Hi there!

I’m a scientist who loves to bake, and here is where I document my adventures. Maybe you’ll learn a thing a two. Thanks for being here!

Sprinkles Of My Life

Sprinkles Of My Life

Today marks the end of 2014. How are we feeling about this past year? Happy? Sad? Relived? Anxious? Embarrassed? I'd say reflective, to say the least. This past year has had many ups and downs for me, and I must say I am happy to be kissing 2014 goodbye. Not that it was a bad one, but it had it's heaviness. 

It's only fitting that today I am taking the leap into the new year with my first trip abroad! Paul and I are on our way to Paris and Rome today, and I couldn't be a bit more excited! I'm bubbling over with glee. 

After months of planning and hours of research, I think I can say I'm ready. As ready as one can be, traveling to foreign countries without speaking the native language. Besides the whole language barrier thing (NBD, right?), I've packed and repacked, organized and planned, and researched, and I'm ready to be there already! 

This is definitely going to be a New Year's to beat. While we will be in the air for actual "New Year", probably asleep, practicing Duo Lingo, or watching Lord of The Rings (as Paul would have it), I'm not complaining! Though it would have been AMAZING to be in Paris to see the fireworks at the Eiffel Tower when they bring in the New Year. I'm sure we'll make up for it with other amazing experiences.

I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that the thing I'm most excited about is all the FOOD we are going to eat on our trip. Paris for the amazing pastries, breads, chocolates, and Rome for all the amazing Italian food. Oh and GELATO! I plan to EAT ALL THE GELATO. With our visit being short, I'm planning to have gelato at least twice a day, despite the wintery temperatures. In the words of our friend, and world-traveler Rocio, "It's never too cold for gelato". 

Follow along on my Instagram to catch some glimpses of my trip!

Back to the new year. I'm not going to start listing a bunch of resolutions that I know full well that I won't keep. Instead, I'm going to make goals. (But Julia, goals ARE resolutions). I'm saying they're different! I'm making specific goals, with figures and specifics. Milestones I want to get to, things I want to achieve. And hopes that I can make them happen. 

What about you, do you have any particular resolutions for this new year? What do you want to do differently?

Are any of you traveling during this time? Tell me about your travels! 

Any tips you'd like to throw my way would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for being here!

Happy New Year.

Glimpses of my 2014:

Capitola, ca

Capitola, ca

mariposa, ca

mariposa, ca

mariposa, ca

mariposa, ca

Sprinkled With Jules
Sprinkled With Jules
san luis obispo

san luis obispo

berkeley marina, california

berkeley marina, california

golden gate bridge 

golden gate bridge 

golden gate bridge

golden gate bridge

San Francisco golden gate bridge

San Francisco golden gate bridge

Cranberry White Chocolate Scones

Cranberry White Chocolate Scones

Mimosa Sangria

Mimosa Sangria