All in How To


I have spent many hours perfecting this recipe. With the right ingredients, proper technique, and lots of love, these delicious buttery flakey croissants are just a few steps away. While homemade croissants seem like a daunting difficult task, they really are not! They just take time, and require patience. I've provided detailed instructions and TONS of photos to show you that they are possible! And AMAZING.

How to Blanch Peaches

Have you ever tried to peel a peach? It can get pretty messy. Slippery, slimy, (and sometimes a bit mushy) things don't tend to behave well when placed under a knife. Fortunately, there's another way.

Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting

Rich, creamy, smooth chocolatey cream cheese frosting.

This frosting is rich, and decadent. Not too sweet, and perfectly tangy.  A wonderful change from the usual super-sweet buttercream. Besides, who doesn't love an excuse to sneak some cream cheese into things? 

American Flag Ruffle Cake

What's wonderful about piping a ruffle is that it doesn't have to be perfect. The imperfections give it character without making it look like you messed up! The messier, the better. Or something. Plus, it's actually super easy and it gives your cakes a look of difficulty.  Ruffle to impress!